OSF Merchant Banking initiates Financial and Strategic Advisory practices.

OSF Merchant Banking, founded to invest proprietary and third party recourses in companies and projects with promising growth perspectives and solid governance in Brazil, expands its activities with a financial and strategic advisory practice.

The founding partners, who have individually more than 3 decades of experience and track record in private equity, investment banking and strategy consulting, intend to continuously build the current and future performance of this partnership upon their past success. They understand that particularly in the current strong economic environment driven by excess liquidity and appreciating asset values, shareholder restructuring such as succession of local entrepreneurs with complex family or partner environment, requires full understanding of all available options and their implications for the decision makers.

Given the international background of the founding partners Hans J.Apostel and Dr.Thomas Jetter and an international advisory board of distinct business leaders, OSF Merchant Banking will focus on cross-border deals.